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    Studio 2Studio 4Two-room 2+2Two-room 4+2

    Contact us

    Booking Office by Rive del Salento

    Info +39 345 8491679
    Email info@cavalisantiresidence.it
    Whatsapp +39 345 8491679


    Via Omero 1
    Località Vacanze Serene
    73048 Santa Caterina – Nardò (Lecce)

    CIS: (License) LE07505242000021887
    CIN: (License) IT075052B400045953

    Geographic coordinates:
    40.143543, 18.001681

    To reach the residence please follow this link on Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/97S8K4ZfW952

    Map Cava Li Santi Residence Salento Apulia